Title: "Shiva's Tranquil Presence"
In this serene painting, we witness the majestic figure of Lord Shiva alongside his devoted companion, Nandi the bull. Shiva stands tall, radiating a sense of calm and power, while Nandi faithfully stands beside him.
What makes this painting truly remarkable is its background. Rather than using brushes or pens, the artist employed only their fingers to create mesmerizing swirls and shapes. These swirling patterns add a sense of movement and energy to the scene, making it come alive with vibrancy and dynamism.
Encased within a sleek black frame, this painting is not only a visual delight but also a perfect choice for gifting. Whether displayed in a sacred space or cherished within a home, "Shiva's Tranquil Presence" serves as a timeless reminder of the beauty and serenity inherent in the divine.
Handmade Lord Shiva with Nandi Painting | Acrylics on canvas | Framed Art
- This Artwork is a HANDMADE Acrylic Painting of Lord Shiva on Canvas Board
- Frame included. (Without Glass)
- Size with frame : 7"7"
- Frame Color: Black
- Varnished for safety and protection
- Comes with a stand behind the frame
- Painting will be professionally packed and shipped to you with utmost care.
- Painting will be dispatched within 5-7 business days , you will be notified with the updates
- Free shipping across India
- International shipping is Chargeable and Glass in the frame will not be included in International Shipping.
- Contact the Artist: +91 9372542620